Everyone is waiting for the iphone 4s on their toes. Even though the iphone 4s has disappointed a large number of peoples but there are millions of peoples are still waiting for the release of the latest smart phone. Many peoples moved to the Android after the announcement from the Apple that there is no iphone 5. This is just an updated version of the iphone 4.
Singtel Iphone 4s price announced wait is over
The singtel and the M1 has already unveiled their prices and plans for the iphone 4s. As the smartphone will launch on October 28,2011 in Singapore. Both companies are trying to attract more people with their offers. According to the new plans issued by the both companies the new iphone will cost you between $498 to $798 anywhere. The M1 plan is cheaper than the Singtel. The asset value of the iphone in M1 plan is $36 with 100 local minutes and 500 local sms, and you can use the Data up to 12GB.
SingTel iPhone 4s Price Singtel announces iPhone 4S plans
On the other hand, Singtel offers the iphone value $39.with 100 local minutes and 550 local sms, and the allowed data is same as the M1plan. Singtel is giving 50more local sms than the M1. Choose your plan wisely, If you have enough money to spend for calling the peoples, then you can choose the Singtel plan. The M1plan is best for the middle class users.
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