According to various remarks It’s was indeed shot in Singapore – over at st john island.The girl is Eileen Yumiko & this was taken by MIKE S photography.
Is this considered indecent exposure if it was taken on a public beach, wonders STOMPer Fitch after coming across pictures of a girl posing nude on a beach on a southern island.Netizens have expressed concern about the nature and location of the shoot.
“I came across these pictures on facebook showing a girl posing nude on a beach.”I’m not sure where this beach is, but it appears to be on one of the nearby islands.
Eileen Yumiko Local model stripped posed nude Singapore Beach
“The photos look artistic but is this considered indecent exposure? What if it took place on, say, East Coast Beach?”
STOMPer Glynis added:”Indecent exposure.”Model poses stark naked on a beach for an outdoor group photography session.
“Even though this is not the mainland, this would be considered indecent exposure.”One netizen commented on facebook:
“Oh no… if kanna East Coast Park all accident at the bicycle track!!”Another netizen wrote:”Which beach, can do like that?”
Eileen Yumiko Local model stripped posed nude
Apparently this Eileen Yumiko has done some Artisitic Nude shots before which she puts up for all the world to see.
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