Register or Sign Up Process | PAC@Gov in Singapore:pac@gov Singapore’s Secure Civil-Service Wide System
You can access the “PaC@Gov”( system from the Government Intranet and select the Latest Pay Advice from the “Pay Info” icon. You may opt to receive your pay advice and other pay-related notifications, such as performance bonus notification, salary revision, etc via e-mail.
pac@gov internet Singapore's Secure Civil-Service Wide System
pac@gov ( Introduction :pac@gov ( Overview
Welcome to PaC@Gov ( User Guide.
PaC@Gov ( is a user-friendly and secure Civil-Service wide system for you to:
pac@gov internet
* view your pay-related information (Pay Information Module) and
* submit your claims (Claims Module) and
* update your personal profile and bank account information (Personal Preference Module) and
* make ComChest contributions (Personal Preference Module)
With PaC@Gov (, you can view more than just your latest pay information! You are able to view Singapore's Secure Civil-Service Wide System
* Pay information for the past 12 months
* Year-to-date balance
* Form 8E
* Current salary scale/point
* Allowance/deduction codes
* Notification letter
* SRS form
You can also use this intranet application to make claims for
* Medical fees (incurred at private clinics only)
* Dental fees
* Transport expenses
* General purchases
* Overseas claim
This guide is designed to familiarize yourself with PaC@Gov (
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Introduction : PaC@Gov ( Screen Design
Generally, the screens in PaC@Gov ( are divided into 3 parts.
The left hand side of the Pay Portal’s screen is the “Left Menu Bar” where various modules (e.g. Pay Info, Claims, Personal Preference) are available for your selection.
The biggest area of the screen is the “Content Page”. It displays the content of the modules that the users select on the left menu bar.
The bottom section of the screen in Pay Portal comprises 3 buttons. They are FAQ, Change Password and Logout.
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pac@gov internet Frequently Asked Questions
Q1.How can I access Pac@Gov?
PaC@Gov is available both on the Internet and Intranet.
Q2.Can I change my password?
You can change your Pac@Gov password by clicking on the “Change Password” button at the bottom right-hand corner of Pac@Gov after logging in.
Q3.What should I do if I forget my password?
You may reset your password by clicking on ‘Forgot Your Password’ on the PaC@Gov login screen. Alternatively, you may contact your Site Administrator for further assistance. To find out who your agency’s site administrator is, click on “Site Admin List” on the left banner of the PaC@Gov login screen.
Q4.How many attempts on the password do I have before the system locks my account out? What should I do if my PaC@Gov account is deactivated?
Only five attempts are allowed. Please contact your site administrator to re-activate your account should it be locked out. To find out who your agency’s site administrator is, click on “Site Admin List” on the left banner of the PaC@Gov login screen.
Q5.Can I ask someone else to print my pay advice / submit claims on my behalf if I do not have access to PaC@Gov?
Yes. You can raise a “Delegation Request Form” to appoint a ‘delegatee’ and submit your request to your Site Administrator for processing.
pac@gov internet Singapore's Secure Civil-Service
Q6.Besides Internet Explorer (IE), can I use other browsers to access PaC@Gov?
The PaC@Gov website is best viewed with IE 6.0 and above. The PaC@Gov website is not supported using Mozilla Firefox and Safari browsers. To check which version of Internet Explorer you are using, go to Help → About Internet Explorer.
For users of IE 8 and above, you have to click on the “Website Compatibility” button located beside the address bar, before logging in to PaC@Gov.
Q7.How can I view my latest Pay Advice?
You can view your Pay Advice via the Pay Info icon after logging in to PaC@Gov. You may opt to receive your pay advice and other pay-related notifications, such as performance bonus notification, salary revision, etc via e-mail.
Q8.When can I find more about pay information module?
You can refer to the PaC@Gov User Guide, which is accessible through the Pac@Gov Homepage.
Q9.Am I still able to retrieve my pay advice and pay related information from PaC@Gov after I have opted to receive my pay advice and other notification letters via email?
Yes. You are still able to retrieve your pay advice and notifications in PaC@Gov.
Q10.Will the same claims appear in the CO’s and alternate CO’s PaC-Boxes, or the VO’s and alternate VO’s PaC-Boxes?
For the CO and VO, the claims will appear in his PaC-Box under the section “Claims Pending Your Certification/Verification”. For the alternate CO and VO, the same claims will appear in his PaC-Box under “Covering Duties”. He/She will need to click “Covering Duties” to retrieve the list of claims.
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