NUS Open House 2012 The Change is Me 17 & 18 March Singapore
The National University of Singapore (NUS) will be holding its Open House 2012 at its Kent Ridge Campus and Bukit Timah Campus on 17 and 18 March 2012 (Saturday and Sunday).
UTown @ NUS Open House
Join us at UTown on 17 & 18 March for a series of exciting and informative activities!
As part of NUS Open House 2012, a myriad of activities would be conducted at University Town (UTown). Expect to catch a glimpse of residential college life and know more about the enriching programmes based at UTown. Hop onto Tour 2’s shuttle at Sports & Recreation Centre to the latest hangout in NUS!
NUS Open House 2012 The Change is Me 17 & 18 March Singapore
Over at the Sports & Recreation Centre of Kent Ridge Campus, there will be talks at three Halls presented by NUS professors, alumni and students. They will cover topics ranging from admissions requirements, NUS’ latest developments, multi-disciplinary undergraduate curriculum, as well as special and international programmes. Meet faculty advisors at the exhibition at Hall 2; and over at Hall 5, visitors can discover more about NUS’ vibrant student life at booths set up by the various student organisations.
NUS Open House 2012 Singapore
Catch a bus tour with NUS student tour guides onboard to travel around the campus. There are two Campus Tour routes available to bring visitors to the NUS University Town, different Schools and Faculties, as well as to view the NUS hostels and other facilities.
All visitors to the Open House 2012 can collect a goodie bag.
Dates: Saturday, 17 March 2012 and Sunday, 18 March 2012
NUS Open House 2012 Venue 1: NUS Kent Ridge Campus
Sports & Recreation Centre
Halls 1, 2, 4, 5, 6
2 Sports Drive 1 Singapore 117561
NUS Open House 2012 Time: 9.00 am – 6.00 pm
NUS Open House 2012 Venue 2: NUS Bukit Timah Campus
Eu Tong Sen Building
469G Bukit Timah Road, Singapore 259776
NUS Open House 2012 Time: 2.00 pm – 6.00 pm
NUS Open House 2012 Free Shuttle Bus Services:
(1) From Kent Ridge MRT station to the NUS Open House at Kent Ridge Campus.
(2) From the Sports & Recreation Centre at the Kent Ridge Campus to the Law Open House at Bukit Timah Campus from 1 pm to 6 pm.
NUS Open House 2012 Website:
NUS Open House 2012 Contact No: (65) 6516 3260
NUS Open House 2012 Email: [email protected]
What’s new at NUS Open House 2012
NUS faculty, staff and students are gearing up to welcome thousands of prospective students, parents and families expected to visit the NUS Open House this weekend (17 and 18 March) at the NUS Sports and Recreation Centre (SRC) on the University’s Kent Ridge Campus.
The NUS Admissions team as well as top professors from our 12 undergraduate faculties and schools will be in Hall 2 at the SRC to address any questions from prospective students and their families on the compelling educational experience at Singapore’s flagship university. Visitors can learn more about the NUS student exchange with some of the world’s leading universities, as well as the entrepreneurial internship programmes in exciting cities around the globe. Admissions and faculty talks will also run throughout the weekend.
Those keen to learn more about the new Yale-NUS College can visit its booth in Hall 2, and attend its talks during the Open House weekend. Yale-NUS is a unique and different residential liberal arts learning experience that draws from the best practices and traditions of Yale University and NUS, and contextualised for Asia in the 21st century. Yale-NUS professors and its admissions team will be on hand to answer queries from prospective students, while mini events such as “Yale-NUS and Your Career” will showcase illustrious alumni from Yale and other liberal arts colleges. They will share how their liberal arts education has propelled them forward in their broad-ranging careers. A panel comprising leaders from some of the globe’s most desired employers will elaborate on why they would be keen to hire students with a liberal arts background.
Aspiring lawyers may be keen to know that the NUS Law School will be holding a concurrent Law Open House at our historic Bukit Timah Campus (BTC) on the afternoons of 17 and 18 March. Visitors can hop on the shuttle bus to BTC watch a mock trial at NUS Law, and experience the intellectual vibrancy at Asia’s global law school.
University Town (UTown) will unveil its newest residential college, Angsana College to visitors this weekend. Angsana College joins Tembusu and Cinnamon (USP) Colleges in offering a learning-and-living campus experience unique to Singapore. Cinnamon (USP) College is home to the University Scholars Programme (USP), a top multidisciplinary honours programme that attracts some of the most talented students on campus. Open House visitors can take the Campus Tour buses to UTown to visit its residential colleges, the state-of-the-art Education Resource Centre, 24-hour IT Commons and its highly popular learning café with Starbucks. (Click here for other media coverage.)
Back on the main Kent Ridge Campus, enterprising students eager to hobnob with like-minded peers can make a stop at the N-House (eNterprise House), one of the stops on our Campus Tours. The entrepreneurial-themed block within the Prince George’s Park Residences houses students and returning interns from our signature NUS Overseas College and innovative Local Enterprise Achiever Development (iLEAD) programmes. N-House activities include experience sharing by entrepreneurs, mentorship for startups, business idea pitching sessions, workshops and networking events.
To truly understand the total NUS undergraduate experience, visitors should make a stop at the NUS Students’ Union Student Life Exhibition in Hall 5 at SRC. An exciting and colourful showcase of sports, community service, cultural, arts and special interest groups with a range of lively performances will give you a flavour of why NUS’ campus life is renowned for its vibrant diversity.
For more information on the NUS Open House, please visit:
For more information on the NUS Law Open House, please visit:
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