Nine Republican candidates gathered in Orlando, Florida, last night for yet another presidential debate, this one hosted by Fox News and Google. And, like last week’s match, this event gave viewers a look at the GOP’s dark side, particularly when it comes to gay soldiers. Sure, there were plenty of notable and vaguely disturbing moments from last night. For example, Rick Perry said he endorsed an HPV vaccine that could prevent cervical cancer because he “errs on the side of life,” even though the Texas governor has presided over 235 executions. And then there was the moment when Mitt Romney was asked if he, like many of his opponents, believes President Obama is a socialist. Romney wouldn’t say that — not exactly, at least. Instead, he described Obama as a “big spending liberal” who is inspired by “socialist democrats in Europe,” which is basically the same thing as saying Obama is a socialist. Presidential debate audience members boo gay soldier The most unsettling moment of the night, however, came when the hosts turned to a viewer-submitted question, this one from a gay soldier who wondered whether the candidates would reinstate the recently repealed …
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Presidential debate audience members boo gay soldier
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