Category Archives: USA Politics

Jerry Brown signs second part of Dream Act

The lawmaker who authored the California Dream Act said Saturday that Gov. Jerry Brown has signed the bill allowing Illegal immigrants attending California universities to receive state financial aid.Brown’s office declined comment, and an announcement on the legislation has not … Continue reading

Posted in USA Politics | Tagged jerry brown acting governor, jerry brown governor, jerry brown proposition 8, jerry brown quotes | Leave a comment

Herman Cain is stunning Florida GOP straw poll winner

Herman Cain had his moment in the Florida sun Saturday, winning that state’s straw poll of party activists and dealing another blow to Rick Perry. The Texas governor had counted on the Florida beauty contest to boost his chances after a lackluster performance in Thursday night’s Republican presidential candidates debate, and he’d actively courted delegates. But with just 15 percent of the 2,657 votes cast, Perry won fewer than half the 37 percent going to Cain and just a fraction more than his main rival Mitt Romney, who did not actively participate in the electioneering. Herman Cain is stunning Florida GOP straw poll winner “We were all looking at Perry as our knight in shining armor, but we’re finding out he has some baggage,” Joyce Estes, a delegate from Apalachicola, told the Wall Street Journal. “The question is how much baggage we can accept.” Such votes are hardly representative of all voters, or even of a cross-section of typical Republican voters. Those voting at straw polls are party activists – in this case those at the weekend’s Conservative Political Action Conference. So while Cain, a businessman who’s… Continue reading

Posted in USA News, USA Politics | Tagged beauty-contest, elected-office, electioneering, florida, herman-cain, joyce-estes, party-activists, percent-going, street, voting-at-straw | Leave a comment

Presidential debate audience members boo gay soldier

Nine Republican candidates gathered in Orlando, Florida, last night for yet another presidential debate, this one hosted by Fox News and Google. And, like last week’s match, this event gave viewers a look at the GOP’s dark side, particularly when it comes to gay soldiers. Sure, there were plenty of notable and vaguely disturbing moments from last night. For example, Rick Perry said he endorsed an HPV vaccine that could prevent cervical cancer because he “errs on the side of life,” even though the Texas governor has presided over 235 executions. And then there was the moment when Mitt Romney was asked if he, like many of his opponents, believes President Obama is a socialist. Romney wouldn’t say that… Continue reading

Posted in USA News, USA Politics | Tagged debate-audience, europe, florida, , , presidencies, , , presidential debate live, presidential vp debate, , thing-as-saying, usa politics | 1 Comment

Presidential debate audience members boo gay soldier

Nine Republican candidates gathered in Orlando, Florida, last night for yet another presidential debate, this one hosted by Fox News and Google. And, like last week’s match, this event gave viewers a look at the GOP’s dark side, particularly when it comes to gay soldiers. Sure, there were plenty of notable and vaguely disturbing moments from last night. For example, Rick Perry said he endorsed an HPV vaccine that could prevent cervical cancer because he “errs on the side of life,” even though the Texas governor has presided over 235 executions. And then there was the moment when Mitt Romney was asked if he, like many of his opponents, believes President Obama is a socialist. Romney wouldn’t say that — not exactly, at least. Instead, he described Obama as a “big spending liberal” who is inspired by “socialist democrats in Europe,” which is basically the same thing as saying Obama is a socialist. Presidential debate audience members boo gay soldier The most unsettling moment of the night, however, came when the hosts turned to a viewer-submitted question, this one from a gay soldier who wondered whether the candidates would reinstate the recently repealed … Continue reading

Posted in USA News, USA Politics | Tagged debate-audience, florida, gay-soldier, , presidencies, , presidential debate time, presidential vp debate, , thing-as-saying | Leave a comment