The wide eyed girl with her flirtatious dark lashes bat at you as she nods to the things you say. Holly Jean may not agree to some of the things you tell her but politely smiled it off. And to the things she relates to, her eyes grinned in approval.Holly Jean long black hair that was straightened by the chemicals of vanity obediently settles on her shoulders as Holly Jean tries to maintain her posture even after long hours of conversation. You know that this girl is more than meets the eye.
Holly Jean Aroozoo Best Lifestyle Blog
This girl got the looks. This girl got the brains. But to me, most importantly, this girl got the heart. Kind, gentle and child-like disposition.There is a certain subtle charm about Holly Jean. And I am very sure that she is often misunderstood by many from what she says and does in her blog. And just like me, I find our characters and personalities similar in the sense where our characters – what you see is what you get – but our personality – what you see is what we are not. And maybe that is why I have a soft spot for her.
Holly Jean Aroozoo
Holly Jean is one of the most responsible freelancers and bloggers that I have worked with throughout my career. And she has the kind of initiative that makes working with her so easy and so enjoyable. Holly Jean is versatile and yet maintains her own principles without offending you.
She’s special, this Holly Jean. And while she mentioned, “It is easy getting the men. What is not easy for me is finding the right one.” Holly Jean may appear to some as a player but all she ever wanted to do in her life is to build a loving family and be a good mother and wife.
And believe it or not, I believe her. And that is why Holly Jean is MyFatPocket’s Contributing Love & Sex Editor because her advice and stories are real. Holly Jean writes from her heart.
Best Lifestyle Blog – Holly Jean
A Thing (or Two) About HOLLY JEAN / Holly Jean
Tell us about yourself in 50 words.
I’m Holly Jean, yes, that’s really my name. I’m a qualified teacher, occasional model and TV wannabe. Having recently appeared on S-Factor (and lost!).
The Singapore Blog Awards 2010
It’s that time of the year again… and I need your support.I’m a Best Lifestyle Blog Finalist in the Singapore Blog Awards.There are 10 finalists in the Best Lifestyle Blog Category. 30% of the results is based on voting. Please give me your support by voting for me daily! (One vote allowed per person each day)
Go to the OMY page. Register (if it’s your first time), or log in. (Give the correct particulars as there are prizes for voters too)
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