Archive for December, 2012

It’s not all about calories and exercise – your BRAIN could also be making you fat

December 27, 20120 Comments

Some people’s brains unable to process hormone that regulates appetite, leading to weight gain Discovery paves way for targeted obesity drugs We are constantly told it’s a consequence of eating too much and not moving enough. But scientists believe our brains could also be making us fat. In a new study, researchers from the University [...]

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Disrupting your body clock ‘can make you obese’: The cycle of sleeping, waking and digesting affects hormones controlling metabolism

December 27, 20120 Comments

If that strict diet and rigorous exercise regime are failing to make a dent on your unwanted pounds, take a look at the clock. The body clock, that is. Scientists believe disruption to the crucial routine of sleeping and eating can make us fat. And with our busy and often unpredictable lifestyles, such disruption is [...]

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Now teenage thugs can blame their hormones for bad behaviour

December 27, 20120 Comments

Teenage thugs could be suffering from a mental illness caused by a hormonal imbalance, scientists suggest today. A Cambridge University study of boys aged between 14 and 18 found a link between levels of stress hormone cortisol and anti-social behaviour. Cortisol is produced in higher amounts at times of stress and is thought to cause [...]

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Could hormone injections hold the secret to youthful looks?

December 27, 20120 Comments

It’s not just monthly mood swings – hormones also cause wrinkles, dull hair and even cellulite. But can they also be used to make you beautiful? With teenage tantrums behind you, you might think that with the exception of your monthly bad moods and the odd pregnancy, hormone imbalances aren’t going to feature much until [...]

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Quick Ways to Gain Weight

December 27, 20120 Comments

Gaining weight like weight loss is a serious concern for some. It can be achieved simply by consuming higher number of calories than burning it in a day. Weight gain can’t be achieved merely by eating fast food. Like weight loss it has to have the right mix of good food and exercise. Some of [...]

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Foods That Affect Cortisol Levels

December 27, 20120 Comments

  Cortisol is the primary stress hormone in the body. The Mayo Clinic says it increases the amount of sugar, or glucose, in the bloodstream, it enhances the brain’s ability to use glucose and it helps in the repair of tissues. Cortisol also impacts the immune, digestive and reproductive systems and affects growth processes. Cortisol [...]

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Weight Loss and Hormonal Changes

December 27, 20120 Comments

Hormones run through your bloodstream, making their way to your tissues and organs. They control the functions of entire organs. If you have just a slight imbalance in your hormones, it can affect your whole body. Hormones influence your metabolism, the process by which your body breaks down and processes food for energy. Thus, hormonal [...]

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Changing your diet to overcome anxiety is the first step to successful weight loss

December 27, 20120 Comments

The Christmas holidays may have been full of cheer, but there’s no doubt that the effort and expense involved can leave our stress levels sky high. We all react to it in different ways, but there is mounting evidence that one of the most insidious side-effects of chronic stress is an infuriating inability to lose [...]

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Are hormones really to blame?

December 27, 20120 Comments

Our hormones play a huge role in regulating most of the functions of our body, from eating to sleeping and even falling in love. But have we been over-estimating their effects? Our hormones get blamed for a variety of ills including headaches, putting on weight and how easily we get drunk! But, beware! There could [...]

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When hormones go haywire, life can be hell

December 27, 20120 Comments

When hormones go haywire, life can be hell “It’s not me, it’s my hormones” is not just a lame excuse – millions of apparently healthy Britons suffer from hormonal disorders that wreak havoc with their health. “We are seeing more people diagnosed with hormonal complaints than ever before,” says John Monson, Emeritus Professor of Clinical [...]

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