Eileen Yap, 21, Sales Beauty Consultant
Vital Statistics: 32″26″36″; Height: 1.68m
What is the sexiest thing that you have done Eileen Yap?
That would be when I get naked at home.
What is the sexiest outfit that you own Eileen Yap?
My Cosplay costume.
If I win, I promise I will…
Wear a bikini and wash cars.
Eileen Yap
Gender: Female
Age : 24 years old
Place : Singapore
Eileen Yap
Eileen Yap About me
Hi everyone! Here you will get to see exclusive pictures and even chat live with me. Born in Singapore and been doing shoots with a bunch of friendly photographers and more.
Eileen Yap hit the magzine 1year later on FHM TOP 15 MODELS 2010.
It gave me a chance to appear on air (radio), papers, mag and shoots.

Eileen Yap FHM Models 2010 Sales Beauty Consultant Singapore
However Eileen Yap yearn for more and hope that there are many more chances to come as Eileen Yap want to prove people wrong that in modeling industry, it can be decent too and without any ‘back doors’ , Eileen Yap can still make it top.
And so, Eileen Yap decided to purse a career in the entertainment industry.Eileen Yap have been very lucky and I thank God everyday for blessing me. Anything is possible and strive to achieve to be a Top Model and will walk head ups through the front door .
Eileen Yap FHM Models 2010
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