Some one Questioned
If 8809 equals 6 and 7111 equals 0 and 2172 equals 0 and 6666 equals 4 what is 2581 equal to?
what is 2581 equal to 2. the answer is 2. it is how many circles are in each number.
Answer : what is 2581 equal to
that question is really clever and yes the answer is 2
An old mathematician cant solve a mathematical problem while a kid on the other side?
The way the kid calculates is “how many circles are there in the number?” For example – 8 – has 2 circles, 9 – has one, 7,5,3 etc have zero circles.
This is why the answer to 2581 is 2, since there are only 2 circles and that is the digit 8.

What is 2581 Equal To Know The Answer
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