Report: Herman Cain wins early Florida test vote News: Herman Cain, a former corporate executive, has surpassed other Republican presidential candidates in a straw poll of Republican activists in Florida on Saturday, a blow to the once-growing campaign, Texas governor Rick Perry, who lobbied hard for the victory. Mr. Perry was the only top-tier candidate to declare himself the all-in on the straw poll organized by the Republican Party of Florida and held in Orlando. His supporters had targeted 3500 delegates, and Mr. Perry himself poked some of the other candidates stepping to the side of the event. But Mr. Cain won the poll with 37% of the vote in 2657. Mr. Perry graduated from the second, with just over 15%. Mitt Romney, who has been dueling with Mr. Perry on the status of a favorite in national polls, placed close third in the poll of …
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Report: Herman Cain wins early Florida test vote News
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