Is it “She wears abaya” or “she wears an abaya”?

Is it “She wears abaya” or “she wears an abaya”?

She wears abaya or she wears an abaya is a question that revolves around the use of the article ‘an’ or lack of it. In English language, if a word starts with a vowel sound, then it is preceded by ‘an’. Since abaya starts with the vowel sound 'a', it is preceded by 'an'. Therefore, the correct phrase is 'She wears an abaya'.

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Where are agals made (Arabic clothing)?

Where are agals made (Arabic clothing)?

Agals, also known as igals, are a traditional head accessory worn by men in the Middle East, particularly in the Arabian Peninsula. They are made from a doubled black cord that is looped around the head and held in place by a knot at the back. Agals are typically worn as part of a traditional Gulf Arab male attire, along with a thobe and ghutra. Agals are most commonly made in Saudi Arabia, but can also be found in other countries in the region, including the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman and Qatar.

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Do most Western women dislike Islamic-styles of dress?

Do most Western women dislike Islamic-styles of dress?

This essay will discuss whether most Western women dislike Islamic-styles of dress. Research suggests that women in Western countries are often scrutinized and judged harshly for wearing Islamic-style clothing. Women are often seen as unprofessional, too religious, or out of touch with mainstream fashion trends when they wear Islamic clothing. Consequently, many women in the West feel uncomfortable wearing Islamic styles of dress. However, some women have embraced Islamic fashion as a way to express their identity and challenge the stereotypes associated with it. Keywords: Western women, Islamic-styles of dress, judged harshly, unprofessional, religious, fashion trends.

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