Watch ‘Sister Wives’ season premiere: TV Recap : In the reality show Big Love, of his clan, Kody and escape to Sin City to support their “conservative” values ??of the Mormon faith. Blonde hair tousle Kody Brown, 43, is the husband of four wives and father of 16 children, and, as in the second half of the second season opens, viewers learn that another child is on the road . Kody Progeny, advertising salesman, and his wife most recently acquired, Robin, 32, will become the first “child Nevada” for Brown clan. “Physical manifestation of the child to the close relationship between a husband and wife … of his wives, “says Robin, quickly corrected. The Browns left Utah, where my wife’s sister was first removed to avoid possible prosecution by the authorities in Utah, who is studying for violation of the law on…
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Watch ‘Sister Wives’ season premiere: TV Recap
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