Singapore, the Japanese animationor known as anime, a girl is described with dazzling a beautiful face shape. Because crazy about her, a woman willing to spend and do plastic surgery 10 times to get a face like a girl anime.Jacqueline Koh, a 29-year-old Singapore based fashion designer, underwent an astonishing ten surgeries to have her face completely transformed into an anime type character.Spending a whopping $136,000 over the past several years, Jacqueline Koh was committed to completely changing the way she looked. The impetus for her transformation came from unexpected weight gain that she could not lose after dieting and exercise. She underwent liposuction and a body reshaping type procedure, which then led to various face surgeries, including chin implants, eyelid adjustments, nose jobs and even flattening of her ears.

Jacqueline Koh before and after Plastic Surgery
She has one more correction procedure in March, but according to Jacqueline Koh that will be the final surgery. However, she maintains a rigid and expensive (several thousand per year) maintenance regime that includes daily facemasks, weekly skin rejuvenation massages and biannual Botox and other filler injections. Jacqueline Koh claims to be satisfied with all of the procedures and says she is happy and the “same person on the inside.” According to Jacqueline Koh she receives hundreds of daily emails through her blog from people seeking cosmetic procedure advice and enjoys steering them in the right direction.
But that’s not really the end of it. Jacqueline Koh spends a lot of money to maintain her looks, as well. To smooth out her facial lines and nasal folds, she has biannual Botox and fillers that cost up to $1,000. Her daily skin-care routine consists of a face mask that costs her up to $100 a month. She uses handheld aesthetic machines every week to rejuvenate her skin. Talk about high maintenance!

Jacqueline Koh Plastic Surgery
Her first operation was Vaser Lipo, a gentler form of liposuction, and it was a nightmare. The doctor ended up removing fat unevenly and she had dents and zigzag lines all over her body. Her weight increased to 58kg. Far from being discouraged from such surgeries, Jacqueline Koh then went on a rampage of sorts with treatments for her body and face. So far she has undergone Velashape (pulling of the skin to reshape her body), a boob job, double eyelid surgery, nose jobs, shaving of cheekbones, flattening of ears, and chin implants. She intends to get one final correction procedure done in March, after which she says she will be satisfied with her looks.

Jacqueline Koh After Plastic Surgery
Jacqueline Koh has written a lot about her beauty transformations on her blog. She also provides advice and information to her ‘fans’ about plastic surgery treatments and how to find good doctors. “I didn’t write about my procedures to become famous,” she says. “I wanted to help women become as beautiful as me or even more beautiful. When I was doing research for operations, people weren’t that open to sharing their experiences.” On average, she receives 800-900 e-mails a day asking for advice on cosmetic procedures.
taking the funds from theblogshop for her surgery operations and high maintenance of her face, resulting the closure of theblogshop
She is related to the case for the closure of The Blogshop. The money she has used on her surgery was taken from the The Blogshop’s funds, that leads to many vendors losing their money due to the close down of The Blogshop. And Clarence Chew, one of the owners of The Blogshop, has been the scapegoat for the case of the closure
By the way, she doesn’t look a manga girl XD