Did you Pre-order iPhone 4S for yourself? If your answer is no, then just visit the Singtel, official website and grab your iphone. The singtel pre-order booking was opening on October 26, and the high volume of the people started to visit the site. The registration process was delayed after the registration was opened.
Singtel iphone 4s pre order Pre-order iPhone 4S for yourself
It takes 20 minutes to complete the steps. Some reports are showing that there were many error messages when the user was trying to access the website. The help line of the Singtel was also very busy according to the users. The helpline of the company is 1688.Thousands of peoples who was not able to complete their registration for their iphone 4s was showing their angry on the Fcaebook page of the singtel company.
Singtel iphone 4s pre order
At noon near 2pm on October 26, the company announced another Avenue on te Facebook’s page for the booking of the iphone 4s. Apple will launch the iphone 4s in Singapore on October 28.
Singtel iphone 4s
Those who have already shown their interest to buy an iphone singtel give an option for them to buy the gadgets and application between 28 to 30 October. The delivery will start after the release of the iphone officially. Singtell is the leading telecommunication company in the Asia. The group has more than 416 mobile users in 25 countries of Asia and Africa.
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